
Managing Global Compliance:

What to Do About IM and Collaboration Platforms in the Enterprise

Modern messaging platforms elude even the savviest compliance teams.

Users today clamor to communicate over mobile, text and new collaboration tools - tools that can complicate compliance. What can your organization do about IM and collaboration platforms to proactively manage global compliance at an enterprise scale, especially with these stressful, unchartered times resulting in a suddenly-remote workforce.

Each tool is unique, with a combination of features such as chat, file sharing and collaboration, voice, video and embedded AI. They’re also interactive, where files can be changed or deleted – persisting in varying states at different points in time. These platforms also bring a wholly different dynamic: people communicate with a more casual tone than they do in email, jump between desktop and mobile, or enter and leave group conversations at crucial moments.

How do you manage risk in this new reality? Get the guide today, and learn:

• How to handle the realities of instant message and collaboration platforms that make it more complicated to supervise for fraud and data loss, whether related to regulations, litigation or internal standards

• Prescriptive tactics for getting ahead of the supervisory challenges of interactive data with contextual capture and archiving strategies

• How to enable your supervision teams to never miss problematic content because they’re too busy tracking information down from various locations and sifting through flattened data

• Identify which applications could cause the most risk (like WhatsApp and WeChat) and developing usage and data retention policies for modern platforms

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