On-Demand Webinar

Stay-at-Home Workforce: Best Practices for the Compliant Adoption of Collaboration Platforms

Addressing the demands of a mobile, virtual and stay-at-home workforce is not a new topic. Hiring the best talent – regardless of whether or not they reside in proximity to company facilities – is a competitive reality for many organisations. But the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has suddenly amplified interest in this trend at companies large and small around the world for existing staff as well.

Many firms, for a variety of reasons, have been slower to embrace advances in technology to support a non-office dwelling staff. Until now.

During this webinar we will discuss:

  • Should companies consider software that is “free”? What about WhatsApp and WeChat? 
  • Should regulated firms reconsider their policies on restricting access to features of their existing collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack and Zoom to ensure their staff are productive while working remotely?
  • And how to do this in a compliant manner 


Shaun Hurst

Director, Solutions Engineering, Smarsh
shaun hurst

Shaun Hurst

Director, Solutions Engineering, Smarsh

Shaun Hurst is the International Technology Director for Smarsh. He has over 18 years of experience solving complex IT challenges for Financial Services Institutions and is a subject matter expert in topics like e-Discovery, Compliance, Regulatory Requirements, Data Privacy, and Cloud Computing.

Dean Elwood

CEO and Founder, Umony Limited
Dean Elwood Umony

Dean Elwood

CEO and Founder, Umony Limited

Dean Elwood is the CEO of Umony Limited. He has been involved in telecommunications innovation since the late 1990s. Drawing on his experience in the VoIP industry he has created a series of products solving communications problems.

In 2008 he founded Voxygen and built the compliance mobile call recording platform for O2. After selling the business in 2014, he founded Umony, which now, alongside mobile call recording, has also developed solutions for compliant use of encrypted messaging applications such as WhatsApp and WeChat. 

Transcription of Webinar Audio

Aleks Fedorova: Hi, everyone. We're just going to give people a few minutes to join and we'll begin the webinar shortly. Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us for today's webinar, Stay-at-Home Workforce: Best Practices for the Compliant Adoption of Collaboration Platforms. Please be aware that all participants will be muted for the duration of the call. If you have any questions, you may submit them via the GoTo webinar or messaging app and we will attempt to answer as many of them as possible during the Q&A session at the very end. Joining us today, our presenters, Dean Elwood and Shaun Hurst. With that I'll hand it over to Sean to kick us off.

Shaun Hurst: Hi, good morning everyone. Before we start, I thought I'd give a little bit of information around who Smarsh actually is. Smarsh was founded in 2001, and in the spring of 2018 we combined with Actiance, who are a leader in the compliance capture and archiving for financial institutions. We have a deep industry expertise in information capture and archiving, which we do with some of the largest companies in the world. We are both [a] Gartner Magic Quadrant and Forrester Wave leader, which we're very proud of, and we provide a single-pane view into all your communications and collaborations tools using the best-of-breed archiving technologies.