On-Demand Webinar

Data Privacy Laws:
Where Do We Go From Here?

Data privacy laws are continually evolving and creating new risks for firms that are required to collect and store communications data. As many organizations now employ technology and service providers to collect, process, and store data they must be increasingly diligent in ensuring that their service providers are equipped to address any applicable data privacy laws. 

Watch this webinar to learn more about:

  • Data privacy laws are evolving and creating new complications for firms that are required to store communications data
  • How would the CCPA and other state privacy laws impact the way that archiving vendors manage your data?
  • What have we learned from GDPR and what is "privacy by design and default"


Robert Cruz

Senior Director of Information Governance, Smarsh

Robert Cruz

Senior Director of Information Governance, Smarsh

Robert Cruz is Senior Director of Information Governance for Smarsh and Actiance. He has more than 20 years of experience in providing thought leadership on emerging topics including cloud computing, information governance, and Discovery cost and risk reduction.

Shaun Hurst

Principal, Information Governance Practice at Smarsh
shaun hurst

Shaun Hurst

Principal, Information Governance Practice at Smarsh

Shaun comes from a 15 year career at Citibank, with roles in Software Development, Project Management, Intranet Development & UI Design, Management and ultimately finishing his career as the Technology Manager for the Investigation and Security division for EMEA and ASPAC. In his last role at Citibank, as well as managing an international team, he used data science and analytics, communications analysis, link charting, and GIS analysis to detect and investigate fraud.

Transcription of Webinar Audio

Davi Schmidt: Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us for today's webinar, Data Privacy: Where Do We Go From Here? Please be aware that all participants will be muted for the duration of the call. Feel free to submit any questions you may have via the GoToWebinar messaging app, and we'll attempt to answer as many of them as possible.

Joining us today are our presenters Robert Cruz and Shaun Hurst, and with that I will hand it over to you, Robert.