On-Demand Webinar

Increased Use of Voice Communications: How to Protect Your Organisation from Regulatory Risk

Regulatory requirements for the capture, retention, and oversight of voice and electronic communications, such as those from the E.U.’s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), continue to affect increasing numbers of financial organisations.

Today, many organisations still have siloed oversight processes for their various forms of communications, in particular, when it comes to voice. This presents a number of workflow challenges, especially due to the increased use of online video and voice in our current reality of a stay-at-home workforce.

Join Smarsh and industry experts on this webinar, where we will discuss how to:

  • Overcome the challenges of voice compliance
  • Capture and create a single pane of glass
  • Reduce the cost and complexity of records management, supervision and e-discovery


Shaun Hurst

Director, Solutions Engineering, Smarsh
shaun hurst

Shaun Hurst

Director, Solutions Engineering, Smarsh

Shaun Hurst is the International Technology Director for Smarsh. He has over 18 years of experience solving complex IT challenges for Financial Services Institutions and is a subject matter expert in topics like e-Discovery, Compliance, Regulatory Requirements, Data Privacy, and Cloud Computing.

Robert Cruz

VP, Information Governance, Smarsh
Robert Cruz 800x800

Robert Cruz

VP, Information Governance, Smarsh

Robert Cruz is Vice President, Information Governance for Smarsh. He has more than 20 years of experience in providing thought leadership on emerging topics including cloud computing, information governance and discovery cost and risk reduction. 

Eric Franzen, Nuclei

Founder and CEO
Eric Franzen Nuclei headshot

Eric Franzen, Nuclei

Founder and CEO

Eric Franzen is the Founder and CEO of Nuclei. Eric has 17 years of experience solving engineering and compliance challenges related to voice and is a subject matter expert on voice technologies and data analytics.

Transcription of Webinar Audio

Aleks Fedorova: Hi, everyone. Thank you for joining us for today's webinar, Increased Use of Voice Communications: How to Protects Your Organization from Regulatory Risk. Before we jump into the presentation, I'd like to go over a few housekeeping rules. Please be aware that all participants will be muted for the duration of the webinar, but if you have any questions that come up, you may submit them via the Questions pane on the right of your screen. So we will leave some time at the tail end of the presentation to address your questions. So with that said, I would like to introduce you to the speakers today. We have Eric Franzen, who's the CEO at Nuclei; Robert Cruz VP Information Governance; and Shaun Hurst, who's our technical director at Smarsh. So with that, Shaun, I'm going to hand it over to you.ongThank you very much, Aleks Fedorova. So today, we're going to be talking about the increased use of voice communications and the regulatory risk that it represents. And these are the three core topics we're going to be covering in today's webinar. And that is, what is driving the increase in voice communications? Integrating voice into your e-communications strategy, and also reduce the complexity on the cost of actually integrating with these voice technologies. So firstly, what is driving the increase in voice communications?