Instant messages are an important communications type of content to archive for organizations in regulated industries. One of the most popular flavors these days with broad adoption at the enterprise level is the IM component of Cisco’s Jabber unified communications platform solution.
We have some good news to report for organizations seeking to proactively stay compliant with Jabber messaging, and whom may also want be in the best responsive position should they need to retrieve and produce Jabber messages for audits or litigation too.
The latest release of The Archiving Platform by Smarsh features enhanced support for seamlessly archiving Cisco Jabber messages alongside the other communications content used by a Smarsh customer (e.g. email, text and other instant message types, social media and web).
Jabber messages are policy-checked for compliance as they are directly ingested and stored in a “search-ready”, indexed state in The Archiving Platform, where they can then be efficiently leveraged for any discovery-related event in the future.
HOW we do this is important – enter the Smarsh CUCM Archiver:
The Smarsh CUCM Archiver is a Windows Service application deployed on-premises that captures Cisco Jabber and other XMPP based conversations from the CUCM Server archive database and syncs them directly with The Archiving Platform offered by Smarsh. Archival of peer-to-peer chat, group chat and chat room conversations are all supported.
Not only is it a benefit to have this automated process so tightly integrated, additionally all of the messages ingested into The Archiving Platform are stored in their native format, retaining proper context. They are not “flattened” into an email-like format. Retaining content integrity in the archive is important as it enables full contextual search and review, and to ensure that all parts of archived threaded conversations can be used when responding to an audit, investigation or litigation event.
To find out more details about this powerful enhanced capability of The Archiving Platform, including a TechTALK video on the integration flow and key components of the solution, please click here.
- Smarsh Partner Perspectives Video: Technology Trends & Drivers - January 16, 2019
- How archiving electronic communications can add value for businesses - May 25, 2016
- Comprehensive Archiving Can Solve Many Challenges for IT - August 3, 2015
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