New Smarsh Developers Program Enables Ingestion of Third Party Content

This week marked the  launch of the Smarsh Developers Program, providing API access to our partners who are looking to build atop the power of the Smarsh Archiving Platform.

This is the first in a holistic and open set of APIs that Smarsh will make available for content ingestion, enabling our partners and their customers to easily archive their content. For many industries (financial services, lending, healthcare, etc.), archiving and supervision of digital communications content is now a requirement for regulatory, e-discovery or legal reasons. For developers and companies with customers in this category, the Smarsh Developer Program will help you offer a leading archiving solution that meets your customers’ compliance requirements, even if they need to archive a specialized, proprietary, or unique content type.

How the Program Works

The Smarsh Developers Program gives qualified technology developers the tools and support needed to integrate a specific content type(s) into the award-winning Smarsh Archiving Platform, using a standard, published API and software development kit (SDK).

After a short development cycle, developers will be able to deliver their content types into the Smarsh Archiving Platform, where their customers can use the platform for various compliance, e-discovery, or legal workflows and supervision tasks.

Like other content archived in the Smarsh Archiving Platform (including social media), data brought in via the content ingestion API will not be ‘flattened’ into an email format. Instead, your customers’ specialized content will retain its original appearance, so their reviewers can easily search and assess a conversation or other data in context, with the unique features of the content preserved.

The Program will benefit:

  • Your current and potential customers. Some of your current or potential clients might be required by industry regulations to archive a specific content type (whether you developed the content type or provide the communication tools) before they become (or continue as) your customer. The Developer Program gives you the ability to help satisfy these customers with the required retention and oversight support, using the Smarsh Archiving Platform. Your customers will be happy to reduce their compliance risk, armed with the supervision tools they need to respond to regulatory, e-discovery or legal requirements related to digital records.
  • Your business. Qualified developers can now meet the requirements for their customers who must archive and supervise a specialized content type before they can use it across their organization. After a quick development process, content is quickly ingested into the Smarsh Archiving Platform using a well-documented procedure. The time commitment for your business is minimal, but the technology and market advantage can be substantial.

The first partners leveraging the API to deliver content include Brosix, 17a-4, and Instant Technologies, with more companies signing on in the coming weeks.

Additional APIs will be released as part of the Developer Program. Smarsh continues to add value the Smarsh Archiving Platform for partners and customers alike. For more information about the Developers Program, visit

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