Archiving and Compliance Now Available with Slack Enterprise Grid Integration

As the calendar flips to a new year, we are excited to integrate with Slack to bring archiving and compliance support for Slack Enterprise Grid, the new offering which powers the design, usage and administrative management of multiple interconnected Slack workspaces across a customer’s entire business.

The integration enables customers to quickly and securely search, review and produce Slack Enterprise Grid content within The Archiving Platform from Smarsh, alongside email, social media, text messaging and other electronic communications—as part of a comprehensive compliance, e-discovery and risk management solution.

Slack continues to gain popularity around the world as organizations of all sizes look to collaborate more quickly and securely. With the integration, Slack Enterprise Grid customers can leverage The Archiving Platform from Smarsh to:

  • Capture, index, and search Slack Enterprise Grid messages, notifications, files and more in their original format, regardless of a user’s device, location, or network
  • Search across all communications within Slack Enterprise Grid and review fully threaded conversations to see the context of messages, updates, comments and files
  • Leverage a full supervision audit trail that tracks each review session within The Archiving Platform, and actions taken on specific messages
  • Escalate and tag Slack content based on cases, events or topics
  • Assign or forward Slack Enterprise Grid messages to supervisors for further review
  • Export only necessary Slack data in multiple formats securely and directly to outside counsel, regulatory examiners or third-party e-discovery providers during litigation events
  • Preserve Slack communication on non-erasable, non-rewriteable media in its native, unaltered format to meet recordkeeping obligations
  • Search Slack content alongside other message types, such as email, text messaging, and social media, in one consolidated destination in The Archiving Platform from Smarsh

Slack is a team communication tool that brings together all of your team communications in one place, instantly searchable and available wherever you go. Launched in February of 2014, Slack is the fastest growing SaaS company ever and is used by more than 5 million daily active users.

You can find more information about archiving and compliance for Slack here.

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