SEC Risk Alert for Most Common Compliance Violations by Brokers and Investment Advisors

Updated September 16, 2019Published March 06, 2017
by Marianna Shafir Esq.

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The Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) notes in its 2019 Examination Priorities that the financial markets, available products and services, and the industry's technological innovations continue to grow at a rapid pace.

To promote compliancy in an ever-changing landscape, many of the OCIE's most recently published Risk Alerts have centered on the most common issues and challenges SEC-registered investment advisers and brokers are facing. These include:

Electronic messaging

The OCIE observed that an increasing number of firms and adviser personnel were using various types of tools and applications for business-related communication. Electronic messages aren’t just email anymore. It includes text messages, social media posts, direct messages, online conferencing, and collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

The use of electronic messaging fall under several Advisers Act Rules:

  • Rule 204-2: Advisors need to make and keep records relating to their investment advisory business

  • Rule 204-2(a)(11): Advisers need to make and keep a copy of each notice, circular, advertisement, newspaper article, investment letter, bulletin or other communication that the investment adviser circulates or distributes, directly or indirectly, to ten or more persons

  • Rule 206(4)(7): Advisors need to adopt and implement written policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent violations of the Advisers Act

The SEC has stated that messages need to be archived and supervised regardless of whether the content is delivered in paper or electronic form. In fact, a pair of roboadvisors were recently fined $250,000 for not preserving copies of their tweets.

Using third-party tools to safeguard customer records and information

Broker-dealers and investment advisers have the responsibility to safeguard customer records and information. Data breach risks are a major OCIE and public focus, and the OCIE has found that firms using third-party network and cloud storage solutions are risking unauthorized access with:

  • Weak or misconfigured security settings

  • Poor implementation procedures that don't maximize their technology partners' offered security features

  • Inaccurate accessibility privileges

With cybersecurity remaining a top priority for the SEC, registered broker-dealers and investment advisors need to review the following regarding electronic storage:

  • Policies and procedures designed to support the initial installation, on-going maintenance, and regular review of the storage solution

  • Guidelines for security controls and baseline security configuration standards to ensure that each solution is configured properly

  • Vendor management policies and procedures that include regular updates and patches and ensuring those updates didn't change existing security configurations

Compliance, supervision, and disclosure of conflicts of interest

The OCIE assessed firms' compliance policies and procedures effectiveness on prevent violations of the Advisors Act. While the Risk Alert placed emphasis on reviewing previously disciplined individuals, it also discusses the increased concern for conflicts of interest.

While conflict of interest cases has decreased in recent years, regulators are keeping a vigilant eye on any external business activities. The private equity industry is especially scrutinized. The SEC has made it a top priority to examine and review private equity firms' and their disclosures of conflicts of interest. Firms need to disclose and meticulously document any conflict of interest; even the appearance of a potential conflict needs to be fully and accurately disclosed.

The SEC is also continuing to bring more enforcement actions against compliance deficiencies, with dual-hat Chief Compliance Officers (CCO) as a prime example of inadequate programs. The SEC argues that compliance supervision requires a dedicated officer who focuses solely on compliance. An executive who oversees compliance as ancillary tasks to their other responsibilities tend to contribute to oversight, and - depending on their other tasks - risk conflict of interest as well.


The SEC won't tolerate inadequate or indifference to compliance. Peter Driscoll, OCIE Director, said in a recent speech that compliance programs need regular internal evaluations and sufficient resources.

"We cannot underscore enough a firm's continued need to assess whether its compliance program has adequate resources to support its compliance function," says Driscoll. "We are concerned when we hear that compliance resources and budgets are being cut or are not keeping up with firms' risk profiles."

Whether that is hiring a dedicated CCO or implementing a powerful content archiving system, maintaining dedicated resources for compliance is crucial to a firm's continued success.

This page was updated on September 16, 2019. Read content originally published on March 06, 2017: Books and Records are Among SEC’s Top Five Compliance Violations

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Marianna Shafir Esq.
Archiving and Compliance Blog

Our Blog explores the news, trends and best practices in electronic recordkeeping. It’s about managing and getting value from your electronic communications data. It’s about satisfying legal and regulatory obligations. It’s all about turning compliance liability into business insight.

Originally published: March 06, 2017

Books and Records are Among SEC’s Top Five Compliance Violations

The SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) has identified Books and Records as one of the top five compliance issues raised most often in deficiency letters to investment firms. OCIE observes advisors have failed to maintain all required records, kept inaccurate records, did not update records, and demonstrated inconsistencies in record keeping practices. For example, in January a large investment firm agreed to pay a $13 Million penalty for compliance breakdowns that included books and records violations. The bottom line: record keeping violations are prevalent. Your firm can avoid record keeping sanctions by implementing Smarsh best practices in modern records management.

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