PORTLAND, Ore., July 26, 2016 – Smarsh®, the leading provider of cloud-based archiving solutions for compliance and e-discovery, today announced enhanced archiving and supervision support for Symphony Communication Services, LLC within The Archiving Platform™ from Smarsh. Developed in partnership with Symphony, the secure collaboration and workflow technology company, using The Archiving Platform™ from Smarsh, mutual customers can now archive, search and produce Symphony content in support of compliance and e-discovery initiatives.
As the Symphony network continues to gain popularity within the financial services industry, firms must also meet their FINRA and SEC requirements for recordkeeping and oversight of electronic communications. Like other content in The Archiving Platform from Smarsh, communications and content on the Symphony platform retain their original appearance and format, so reviewers can easily search and assess a threaded conversation in context, with the unique characteristics of the conversation preserved.
“We’re thrilled to partner with Symphony, which is changing the way sell-side and buy-side firms communicate,” said Stephen Marsh, Smarsh CEO. “Customers can leverage the power of Symphony with the assurance that they can retain, review and produce these communications faster, and identify risk more effectively within The Archiving Platform from Smarsh.”
“Symphony’s platform meets the pressing need for secure and compliant collaboration across the financial services industry,” said David Gurle, Symphony founder and CEO. “Bringing Symphony together with the scalable, highly secure, and cloud-based Archiving Platform from Smarsh ensures our customers have a best-in-class archiving and supervision solution to deploy along with Symphony’s active and passive compliance capabilities.”
Through this partnership, Symphony users can leverage The Archiving Platform from Smarsh to:
- Capture Symphony messages, Posts, Signals, files and file versioning in their original format, regardless of a user’s device, location, or network
- Search across all communications within their Symphony environment and review fully threaded conversations to see the context of messages, updates, comments and files
- Leverage a full supervision audit trail that tracks each message review session and actions taken on specific messages
- Escalate and tag Symphony content based on cases, events or topics
- Assign or forward Symphony messages to supervisors for further review
- Export only the necessary data in multiple formats securely and directly to outside counsel, regulatory examiners or third-party e-discovery systems during litigation or e-discovery events
- Preserve Symphony communication on non-erasable, non-rewriteable media in its native, unaltered format to meet recordkeeping obligations
- Search alongside other message types, such as email, instant messaging and social media, in one consolidated destination in The Archiving Platform from Smarsh
For more information about Archiving and Compliance for Symphony, visit http://www.smarsh.com/im-archiving/symphony.
Media Contacts:
John Kreuzer
Gutenberg Communications for Smarsh, Inc.
(408) 896-3307
Samantha Singh
(650) 722-0294